Thursday, November 28, 2013

See you at the pub

To the 55,000 good people who have taken time to review MY Happy Eye and associated Blogs, thank you for stopping by!

Social Networking, the "ideal" is innocent and wonderful when you are sharing baby pictures, snaps of your dog, the latest home improvement, announcing a wedding... the list goes on.  When making a post... at the time... it was fun.  But really, "Who Cares!"  "Opinions are like an (insert correct word here)... everyone has one!  Who want's to be an opinionated one?

As for the invasive industry that is associated with Blogging... that would be "Advertising..." too many negative things have come into our lives from advertisements; I no longer wish to be associated.  It is of no concern to me how you spend your money.  I hold true to the time tested rule...  If I did not learn of a product by "Word of Mouth," from a trusted friend, then it must be junk.

Also, I am pleased to inform I am so damn busy I no longer have time for blogging ... save for writing about drinking beer.  You will agree... Ale is a sacrament. Beer, Ale, Barley Wine, the Art of Brewing, good beer, bad beer.... I do find all so very interesting and if you are in the slightest manner concerned what I may have to say... I invite you to join me happily sitting in a pub... somewhere in this beautiful world of ours... whilst on "The Ale Trail,.." for beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

This posting is to formally announce this blog is off air.